Kids with ADHD show difficulty holding attention and display impulsive behaviors and overactivity levels beyond what might be expected for their age group. They typically show poorer academic performance, have difficulty in social settings, and can't adapt as well emotionally as kids without ADHD.
At Chrysalis Massage Therapy, massage work helps ease tension and relax the client; making it a viable option for the treatment of hyperactivity resulting from ADHD.”In adult studies, massage has been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol, helping to mitigate the active fight-or-flight response. Massage also helps improve math computation performance and raises alertness levels, as measured on electroencephalograms (EEGs). Finally, massage decreases depression and increases mental focus. The same effects are seen in children and teenagers with ADHD.
By adding massage to your child's routine, you're giving him / her much needed physical contact and helping to calm his / her nervous system, which will pay dividends in his ability to do school work, interact with peers and teachers, and be happier in general. If you're massaging your child yourself, you'll create the opportunity for a stronger emotional bond between the two of you.
Chrysalis Massage Therapy & Consulting can benefit those with ADHD by aligning the body and mind, and calming the patient. Once calm, the patient is able to better focus and perform to his or her potential.
Massage has proven equally effective for psychological and behavioral problems.
For autistic children, there was a decrease in touch sensitivity and disruptive behavior, and an increased ability to relate to their teachers. Research has shown that adolescents suffering from bulimia had improved body image and decreased depression and anxiety, while teen psychiatric patients experienced improved sleep and clinical progress as well as decreased depression, anxiety, and stress.
If your child isn’t in need of massage or craniosacral work but has more extensive therapeutic needs or you as a parent need supports, evaluation of sensory or learning needs for your child, or want to know how to assist your child in social emotional regulation chrysalis massage offers a variety of supports and services to help.
Looking for reliable treatment for your child with ADHD or Autism?
(715) 432-9399
Business Hours
Mon to Fri: 8am - 8pm
Sat - Sun: By Appointment
Licensed and Insured
Massage Therapy: LMT# 11891-146
Occupational Therapy: OTR # 3673-26
*Appointments on weekends and scheduled with less than 24 hours advanced notice may be subject to a convenience fee*